We believe in working together

Successful cooperation between ourselves and parents/carers is one of our main priorities. We know that by developing a close reationship, we as practitioners learn more about your child and your expectations of us, which has an huge impact on your child's development. This is why we encourage a culture of cooperation and sharing. We actively encourage your views and input and love to read your WOW! moments which we use in your childs Learning Journey.


Organisation of 'Parent / Grandparent / Father / Mother / Carer and child days'
We like to regularly invite different members of the familiy to spend time in our nursery, sharing stories and experiences with the children.


If you have any special skills, are part of a community group or feel you have something to offer the children in our community, please feel free to speak to staff or complete a suggestion note letting us know. We look forward to welcoming new helpers.

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Copyright 2021: Alverthorpe Grange Nursery